Your Spotify may be hacked with Spotiamb

February 13, 2018

Spotify Hacked With Spotiamb

You may be reading this post if you have spotted the Spotiamb 0.2.1 appearing at random times on your Spotify app. It may be causing your music to randomly pause or play completely different songs than you originally intend. So to calm you down a little bit, you’re not the only one this is happening to. It happened to me as well and I want to explain a little about what it is.

What is Spotiamb 0.2.1?

It’s a very simple mod for Winamp that allows you to connect your Spotify account to it and play your music instead of using the official Spotify app on your desktop or phone. The mod isn’t harmless, but hackers have found a way to hack into users Spotify Premium accounts and play music without consent.

Spotify pays artists when users listen to their music. The ultimate goal of the hack is to rack up the plays for a lesser known artist so they can generate more revenue.

How to fix the issue?

The issue has a lot of users complaining as you can see in this thread on the Spotify forums:

The best thing to do and try to fix it is:

  • Log out all devices
  • Restrict all app permissions
  • Change your password

Some users have tried this with success, but others are still finding the annoying Spotiamb show up in their list of connected devices.

Are you seeing the Spotiamb 0.2.1 in your Spotify account? Have you been able to fix it?

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